Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Taking A Chance…And Succeeding!

By Michael Sellitti
I think we all have to take a chance at some point. Sometimes it’s a risky chance; sometimes it’s a no-brainer. Either way, I think chance is very important part of life – allowing for the opportunity to think critically by weighing the pros and cons of taking said chance.

However, I’m sure many people don’t consider the possibilities of taking a chance prior to doing so. For some – luck is on their side and we can’t argue with luck because we all wish for it and when it does come we embrace every bit of it. For other’s it’s not so easy – it’s back to reality and hoping for that next opportunity. Hope being the key word – it’s what carries us on regardless of the outcome because it’s hope that got us there in the first place, and intuition that gave us that extra nudge to follow through. Hope and intuition is what I believe to be the perfect recipe for succeeding at taking a chance – even when you lose. So, when it doesn’t always work out as planned, we hope for the next time to take a chance, and maybe then, things will fall in our favor.

The reason I decided to analyze this notion of chance is because I saw many people take one, or two, or even three or more chances at the Sidney Center Improvement Group’s “Take A Chance” raffle. I saw many people who had chance on their side – I saw many more that didn’t. Unfortunately someone’s gotta win, someone’s gotta lose…the raffle that is. But believe it or not, everyone came out victorious at this raffle, in a different sort of way. This community event had significant importance whether everyone in attendance realized it or not. By participating in this raffle, everyone was contributing to a greater cause, which in my book puts them in the category of victor.

The Sidney Center Improvement Group, Inc. – a non-profit community activist group of concerned residents for the betterment of the Sidney Center hamlet and surrounding area – sponsored this event with hopes of raising funds, which in turn will help the group raise awareness and promote change for improving the quality of life in this area. The chances taken by those that attended will ultimately better the chances of the S.C.I.G. making a true difference in the long run.

I was amazed at the talent and professionalism represented in the items at the raffle. All events sponsored by the S.C.I.G. always put a clear emphasis on localism – directly involving the community and supporting local merchants. This was perfectly showcased at this auction with many donations from artisans and small businesses. Some of the items included hand-made crafts, woodwork, and stonework, as well as hand-painted glass-wear and skillfully knit hats, socks, and towels. There were also many impressive donations by local businesses of general necessities that the average homeowner would find useful. The tables were littered with great chances and all for such a great value and ultimately a great cause.

There are some who should be commended for the success of this event. The S.C.I.G. organizers: Jessica Farrell, Terry Leonard, Geri Mott, Lucille Dewey, Ann Birdsall, & Lois Murry, all did a superb job of promoting, setting up and carrying out the event. I must also give special thanks and acknowledgement to the Sidney Center Firemen who hosted a delicious chicken BBQ – which definitely improved attendance. With that said, the great support and coordination that went into this event and the number of attendee’s and ticket sales as a result, the raffle was without a doubt a great success. I hope to see the same enthusiasm and willingness to take a chance at future Sidney Center events!

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About S.C.I.G.

Sidney Center, New York, United States
The Sidney Center Improvement Group (SCIG) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, grass roots organization based in Sidney Center, NY. The small Hamlet of Sidney Center - like many upstate NY towns, villages, and hamlets, has had it’s fair share of challenges over the years. However, thanks to a group of dedicated residents who gathered for a visioning meeting in 2006, SCIG is now a thriving community group who's sole purpose is increasing the quality of life for all who live in Sidney Center and for future generations.